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Friday, February 3, 2023

Law Updates Report

Issue 376

Keeping you informed of latest developments to law you care about.

Dear Subscriber,


Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations (85/1993)

The Minister of Employment and Labour, has, after consultation with the Advisory Council of Occupational Health and Safety, promulgated the new regulation relating to Major Hazard Installations; in terms of section 43(1)(c) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993).

These regulations repeal the Major Hazard Installation Regulations, 2001.

R.2989 of 2023


Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act and Regulations (54/1972)

The Minister of Health intends, under section 15 (1) of the Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act, 1972 (Act No.54 of 1972), to make Regulations in the Schedule.

Interested persons are invited to submit any substantiated comments or representations on the proposed regulations within three months of the date of publication of this Notice.

R.2986 of 2023

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Gazetted amendments applied to the Acts we publish.

R.2956 of 2023  (G.G.47913 - Monday, February 27, 2023)

Agricultural Products Standards Act and Regulations (119/1990)

Regulations regarding Departmental Fees: Amendment

R.2993 of 2023  (G.G.47975 - Tuesday, January 31, 2023)

Competition Act and Regulations (89/1998)

Notice of Designation in terms of Section 10 (3) (b) (iv) of the Act

Notice 1561 of 2023  (G.G.47917 - Thursday, January 26, 2023)

Currency and Exchanges Act and Regulations (9/1933)

Cancellation of an Authorised Dealer in Foreign Exchange: ICICI Bank Limited

R.2958 of 2023  (G.G.47920 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Defence Act and Regulations (42/2002)

Code of Conduct for uniformed members of SANDF and OP Prosper Deployment

R.2967 of 2023  (G.G.47926 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Dental Technicians Act and Regulations (19/1979)

Regulations relating to Scope of Professions of Dental Technicians and Health Technologists

R.2968 of 2023  (G.G.47926 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Dental Technicians Act and Regulations (19/1979)

Regulations relating to conduct of Business of South African Dental Technicians Council and Related Matters

R.2941 of 2023  (G.G.47883 - Friday, January 20, 2023)

Housing Act (107/1997)

Publication of the Norms and Standards for Rental Housing

R.2978 of 2023  (G.G.47926 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Income Tax Act and Regulations (58/1962)

Section 12I Tax Allowance Programme: Coega Fruit Terminal (Pty) Ltd

R.2979 of 2023  (G.G.47926 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Income Tax Act and Regulations (58/1962)

Section 12I Tax Allowance Programme: PG Bison (Pty) Ltd

R.2980 of 2023  (G.G.47926 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Income Tax Act and Regulations (58/1962)

Section 12I Tax Allowance Programme: Fuchs Lubricants SA (Pty) Ltd

R.2981 of 2023  (G.G.47926 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Income Tax Act and Regulations (58/1962)

Section 12I Tax Allowance Programme: Nautic Africa (Pty) Ltd

R.2982 of 2023  (G.G.47926 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Income Tax Act and Regulations (58/1962)

Section 12I Tax Allowance Programme: Clover SA (Pty) Ltd

R.2983 of 2023  (G.G.47926 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Income Tax Act and Regulations (58/1962)

Section 12I Tax Allowance Programme: Tongaat Hulett Ltd

R.2957 of 2023  (G.G.47919 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Labour Relations Act and Regulations (66/1995)

Correction Notice: Code of Practice: Managing Exposure to SARS-COV-2 in the Workplace, 2022

R.2984 of 2023  (G.G.47927 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

National Forests Act and Regulations (84/1998)

Annual List of all Tree Species which are protected under Section 12 of the Act

R.2965 of 2023  (G.G.47926 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

National Qualifications Framework Act and Regulations (67/2008)

Policy for Quality Assurance of Assessment of Qualifications registered on General & Further Education & Training Qualifications Sub-Framework of the NQF

R.2989 of 2023  (G.G.47970 - Tuesday, January 31, 2023)

Occupational Health and Safety Act and Regulations (85/1993)

Promulgation of Major Hazard Installation Regulations, 2022

R.2989 of 2023  (G.G.47970 - Tuesday, January 31, 2023)

Occupational Health and Safety Drafts

Major Hazard Installation Regulations, 2022

R.2977 of 2023  (G.G.47926 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Pension Funds Act and Regulations (24/1956)

Repeal of Regulation 33

BN.384 of 2023  (G.G.47926 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Pharmacy Act and Regulations (53/1974)

Scope of Practice: Primary Care Drug Therapy Pharmacist (PCDT)

BN.385 of 2023  (G.G.47926 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Pharmacy Act and Regulations (53/1974)

Rules relating to the services for which a Pharmacist may levy a fee and guidelines for levying such a fee or fees

Notice 1581 of 2023  (G.G.47979 - Wednesday, February 1, 2023)

Spatial-Planning and Land Use Management Act and Regulations (16/2013)

Notice of approved National Spatial Development Framework in terms of section 13(5) of the Act

Pending Legislation

Pending legislation due on the specified commencement date.

— No new legislation to note this week —

Proposed Legislation

Proposed legislation recently published and open for comment.

Notice 1565 of 2023  (G.G.47926 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Statistics South Africa

Advertisement of the CPI November 2022 figure

Date to be determined

BN.383 of 2023  (G.G.47926 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Accounting Standards Board

Invitation to comment on Exposure Draft 2023 issued by the Accounting Standards Board

Comment by: Thursday, April 6, 2023

Notice 1579 of 2022  (G.G.47966 - Saturday, January 1, 2022)

National Treasury

Statement of the National Government Revenue & Expenditure as at 31 Dec 2022 issued by the DG NT

Date to be determined

R.2966 of 2023  (G.G.47926 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Allied Health Professions Act and Regulations (63/1982)

Regulations relating to the profession of Tradition Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

Comment by: Sunday, February 26, 2023

R.2969 of 2023  (G.G.47926 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Allied Health Professions Act and Regulations (63/1982)

Draft Regulations relating to the profession of Aromatherapy and Therapeutic Aromatherapy

Comment by: Sunday, February 26, 2023

R.2957 of 2023  (G.G.47913 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Dental Technicians Act and Regulations (19/1979)

Regulations relating to the Institution of Inquiries held in terms of the Act

Comment by: Thursday, April 27, 2023

R.2961 of 2023  (G.G.47924 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Dental Technicians Act and Regulations (19/1979)

Regulations relating to the Institution of Inquiries held in terms of Section 50(1)(k) of the Act

Comment by: Thursday, April 27, 2023

R.2970 of 2023  (G.G.47926 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Dental Technicians Act and Regulations (19/1979)

Regulations relating to the Undergraduate Curricula and Examinations in Dental Technology

Comment by: Thursday, April 27, 2023

R.2986 of 2023  (G.G.47965 - Tuesday, January 31, 2023)

Foodstuffs, Cosmetics and Disinfectants Act and Regulations (54/1972)

Regulations Relating to the Labelling and Advertising of Foodstuffs for comment

Comment by: Monday, May 1, 2023

BN.386 of 2023  (G.G.47926 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Mine Health and Safety Act and Regulations (29/1996)

Notice calling for nominations of Persons to serve on the Mine Health and Safety Council (MHSC)

Comment by: Wednesday, February 15, 2023

R.2991 of 2023  (G.G.47972 - Tuesday, January 31, 2023)

National Education Policy Act and Regulations (27/1996)

2025 Calendar for Public Schools

Date to be determined

R.2992 of 2023  (G.G.47973 - Tuesday, January 31, 2023)

National Education Policy Act and Regulations (27/1996)

Call for comments: Proposed 2026 Calendar for Public Schools

Comment by: Thursday, March 2, 2023

R.2988 of 2023  (G.G.47968 - Tuesday, January 31, 2023)

National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (10/2004)

Extension of the commenting period on the draft Multi-Species Biodiversity Management Plan for Vultures in South Africa

Comment by: Saturday, April 1, 2023

R.2987 of 2023  (G.G.47967 - Tuesday, January 31, 2023)

National Environmental Management: Waste Act and Regulations (59/2008)

Consultation on the Draft Household Hazardous Waste Management Strategy

Comment by: Thursday, March 2, 2023

Notice 1564 of 2023  (G.G.47926 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Public Finance Management Act and Regulations (1/1999)

Statement of the National Revenue, Expenditure & Borrowings as at 31 Dec 2022 issued by DG National Treasury

Date to be determined

R.2971 of 2023  (G.G.47926 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Skills Development Act and Regulations (97/1998)

The Sector Education and Training Authorities Grant Regulations regarding monies received by SETA

Comment by: Friday, February 17, 2023

Notice 1566 of 2023  (G.G.47926 - Friday, January 27, 2023)

Traditional and Khoi-San Leadership Act (3/2019)

Invitation to nominate persons to be considered as member of the Commission on Khoi-San Matter

Comment by: Friday, March 17, 2023

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