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Thursday, November 30, 2023

Law Updates Report

Issue 418

Keeping you informed of latest developments to law you care about.

Dear Subscriber,

Exportation of Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Waste and Scrap Metal, Rails and Copper Semi-Finished Products

International Trade Administration Act and Regulations (71/2002)

The Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition, has prescribed in terms of section 6(1)(c) of the International Trade Administration Act, 71 of 2002, ferrous and non-ferrous waste and scrap metal of a kind listed in Schedule A hereto may not be exported from the Republic of South Africa for a period of six months from the date of publication of this notice.

All comments and submissions must be submitted by no later than 07 December 2023.

Notice 2199 of 2023

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Recently Published Updates

Gazetted amendments applied to the Acts we publish.

R.3450 of 2023  (G.G.48654 - Friday, May 26, 2023)

Agricultural Products Standards Act and Regulations (119/1990)

Regulations regarding Classification & Marking of Meat intended for sale in the Republic of South Africa: Amendment

BN.511 of 2023  (G.G.49757 - Friday, November 24, 2023)

Auditing Profession Act and Regulations (26/2005)

Revision to the IRBA Code of Professional Conduct for Registered Auditors

BN.512 of 2023  (G.G.49757 - Friday, November 24, 2023)

Auditing Profession Act and Regulations (26/2005)

IRBA’s Four Rules Arising from the International Standards on Quality Management

Notice 2204 of 2023  (G.G.49779 - Tuesday, November 28, 2023)

Competition Act and Regulations (89/1998)

Extension period of designation: South African Petroleum Industry Association (SAPIA)

R.4115 of 2023  (G.G.49772 - Monday, November 27, 2023)

Criminal Procedure Act and Regulations (51/1977)

Declaration of peace officers: Investigators for the investigating directorate

R.4110 of 2023  (G.G.49759 - Friday, November 24, 2023)

Customs and Excise Act and Regulations (91/1964)

Amendment of Rules (DAR252)

Notice 2203 of 2023  (G.G.49777 - Tuesday, November 28, 2023)

Electronic Communications Act and Regulations (36/2005)

Illegal provision of or access to satellite internet services and possession, distribution or use of satellite broadband terminals and equipment in SA

R.4111 of 2023  (G.G.49766 - Friday, November 24, 2023)

Immigration Act and Regulations (13/2002)

Withdrawal of Zanzibar as a designated port of entry

Notice 2190 of 2023  (G.G.49757 - Friday, November 24, 2023)

Labour Relations Act and Regulations (66/1995)

Designation Rendered by the Essential Services Committee

R.4118 of 2023  (G.G.49778 - Tuesday, November 28, 2023)

Magistrates Court Act and Regulations (32/1944)

Increase or Decrease Local Limits of any District

R.2819 of 2022  (G.G.47632 - Friday, December 2, 2022)

National Health Act and Regulations (61/2003)

Regulations relating Standards for Emergency Medical Services

Notice 2198 of 2023  (G.G.49764 - Thursday, November 23, 2023)

National Land Transport Act and Regulations (5/2009)

Operating Licence Conditions as Determined by Western Cape Province Regulatory Entity & Stipulated by Planning Authorities

Notice 2201 of 2023  (G.G.49768 - Friday, November 24, 2023)

National Land Transport Act and Regulations (5/2009)

Operating Licence Conditions as Determined by Western Cape Province Regulatory Entity & Stipulated by Planning Authorities

R.4109 of 2023  (G.G.49759 - Friday, November 24, 2023)

National Prosecuting Authority Act and Regulations (32/1998)

Regulations on establishment of Office for Ethics and Accountability

R.4115 of 2023  (G.G.49773 - Tuesday, November 28, 2023)

Public Holidays Act (36/1994)

Declaration of the Fifeenth day of December 2023 as a Public Holiday throughout the Republic

Pending Legislation

Pending legislation due on the specified commencement date.

— No new legislation to note this week —

Proposed Legislation

Proposed legislation recently published and open for comment.

Notice 2187 of 2023  (G.G.49757 - Friday, November 24, 2023)

Agricultural Products Standards Act and Regulations (119/1990)

Leaf services: Inspection procedures & inspection fees for grains & grain products: Invitation for comments

Comment by: Sunday, December 24, 2023

R.4111 of 2023  (G.G.49763 - Thursday, November 23, 2023)

Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act (1996)

Notice of intention to introduce a Bill, namely the South African Institute for Drug-Free Sport Amendment Bill, 2023

Date to be determined

R.4105 of 2023  (G.G.49757 - Friday, November 24, 2023)

Electronic Communications Act and Regulations (36/2005)

Radio Frequency Spectrum Assignment Plan: Frequency Band 2300 MHz to 2400 MHz (IMT2300)

Comment by: Friday, January 12, 2024

R.4101 of 2023  (G.G.49757 - Friday, November 24, 2023)

Financial Markets Act and Regulations (19/2012)

Proposed amendments to licence conditions of Strate (Pty) Limited

Date to be determined

BN.515 of 2023  (G.G.49757 - Friday, November 24, 2023)

Financial Markets Act and Regulations (19/2012)

Proposed amendments to the JSE Debt Listing Requirements: Section 19 Rejuvenation Project

Comment by: Friday, December 8, 2023

BN.516 of 2023  (G.G.49757 - Friday, November 24, 2023)

Financial Markets Act and Regulations (19/2012)

Proposed amendments to the JSE Listing Requirements: Section 19 Rejuvenation Project

Comment by: Friday, December 8, 2023

Notice 2199 of 2023  (G.G.49765 - Thursday, November 23, 2023)

International Trade Administration Act and Regulations (71/2002)

Proposals to extend temporary prohibition of export, & temporary suspension of price preference system of certain ferrous and non-ferrous waste & scrap metal

Comment by: Thursday, December 7, 2023

BN.513 of 2023  (G.G.49757 - Friday, November 24, 2023)

Pharmacy Act and Regulations (53/1974)

Competency Standards for Specialist Pharmacists in South Africa

Comment by: Tuesday, January 23, 2024

BN.514 of 2023  (G.G.49757 - Friday, November 24, 2023)

Pharmacy Act and Regulations (53/1974)

Criteria to accredit generic course for pharmacist who wishes to apply for registration as responsible pharmacist

Comment by: Tuesday, January 23, 2024

R.4117 of 2023  (G.G.49776 - Tuesday, November 28, 2023)

Skills Development Act and Regulations (97/1998)

Call for Nominations for Appointment of the Chairperson of the Transport Education and Training Authority

Comment by: Thursday, December 28, 2023

R.4114 of 2023  (G.G.49771 - Monday, November 27, 2023)

South African Civil Aviation Authority Levies Act (41/1998)

Proposal for Fuel Levy Increase

Comment by: Saturday, December 30, 2023

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